Saturday, September 28, 2019

Baby Satisfaction

From the point of conception to the time of birth, the life of the baby and that of its mother is held by the medical and nursing practitioners to be very sacrosanct so that it is expedient that these be closely medically monitored. This is because, failure to implement close follow ups on prenatal, natal and antenatal care has claimed many lives of unborn and new born children, as well as that of the mothers. It is against this backdrop that Baby Satisfaction programs have been introduced with an emphasis being placed on the well being of the baby, right from birth to the stage whereby it develops into a toddler.In most cases, these institutions have retracted their child medical programs to include the conception stage also. Hospitals that are centered towards Baby Satisfaction are primarily geared towards making sure that the health, emotional and physical welfare are all catered for in an adequate manner. This paper tackles the concept and practice of Baby Satisfaction. Introduct ion Baby Satisfaction is a child medical services program that seeks to ensure that the new born has emotional conditions, physical settings and a healthy environment surrounding it.However, modern day trends have made comprehensive measures so as to ensure that even the prenatal care and conditions of the baby are also looked at altogether. Baby Satisfaction type of care ensures that there are no cases of child theft, mishandling or neglect. At the same time, the measure to detect the slightest health related anomaly is also carried out so as to ward off any danger by medical intervention. It shall therefore be seen how Baby Satisfaction improves the quality and longevity of the new born’s life.Conclusion It is therefore important to note that the ameliorations that have come up in the new born child medical healthcare due to the adoption of Baby Satisfaction are too magnanimous to be ignored. It is thus important that the US government ensures that the program realizes enou gh funding for the efficient running of Baby Satisfaction. The gain that the government will have accrued is that it will have extirpated infant mortality rates. Article Summaries Article 1 Christiaens, W. , Gouwy, A., and Bracke, P. (2007). Home and Hospital Satisfaction on Childbirth. A cross-national comparison. Ghent: Ghent University Press. http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/articlerender. fcgi? artid=1939703 The importance of this journal is that it spells out the roles that are to be played by nurses in ensuring the physical and health safety of the new born child. This means that the journal is very resourceful in acquainting the nurse with the roles and duties that she is to play towards the well being of the child.The dispensation of the information that is provided by Christiaens Gouwy and Bracke is therefore also instrumental in abating cases of disputes touching on the dereliction of duties on the side of the nurse. The gravity of such like cases has seen the disappear ance or the death of a new born in hospitals and other health care institutions. Article 2 Johnson, K. (2005). Baby Satisfaction: Professional Roles of Midwives. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada. http://www. bmj. com/cgi/content/full/330/7505/1416? etocThe uniqueness of this journal is based on the fact that it does delve into the â€Å"how†, as far as the provision of the New Baby Satisfaction is concerned. The illustrious and simplified means by which the service are to be followed come in handy, as even the apprentice in nursing and midwifery can even follow them step by step to the latter. The book is also important to the healthcare institutions that provide Baby Satisfaction since it delves on the need and the means of creating felicity conditions for the Baby Satisfaction services to be said to exist and fully operational.Article 3 Kristen, C. (2007). A new Generation of Nurses: An Emergency Nursing Journal. Branford: Branford Press. Vol 30. Issue no. 3. 206-211. http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/pii/S0099176704001746 Kristen in this journal provides very instrumental information of matters that touch on Baby Satisfaction and Safety. Very pivotal matters such as hygiene, the protocol that is to be observed, the rights of the mother and the child versus that of the nurse and other medical practitioners, are discussed to a reasonable length.All these information is important since Kristen wrote this journal with an overall intention of warding off cases of infant mortality, still births, loss of new born children in hospitals, overstepping of another officer’s mandate, and pertinent legal issues that may spring out of all these topics that have been discussed. This is why the journal is important to this study. References Christiaens, W. , Gouwy, A. , and Bracke, P. (2007). Home and Hospital Satisfaction on Childbirth.A cross-national comparison. Ghent: Ghent University Press. http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/articlerender. fcgi? artid=1939703 Johnson, K. (2005). Baby Satisfaction: Professional Roles of Midwives. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada. http://www. bmj. com/cgi/content/full/330/7505/1416? etoc Kristen, C. (2007). A new Generation of Nurses: An Emergency Nursing Journal. Branford: Branford Press. Vol 30. Issue no. 3. 206-211. http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/pii/S0099176704001746

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