Monday, September 30, 2019

Human Computer Interface Essay

According to Nicky Danino(2001), Human Computer Interaction(HCI) is defined as ‘the study, planning, and design of what happens when a person and a computer work together’. HCI consist of three parts that is the user, the computer and the interaction involved between the user and the computer. Therefore I am going to evaluate the company based on several criteria. From what have been observed in the Kannal Solutions , the work area was found to be comfortable for the employees to work. The chairs provide sufficient cushioning. This enables the employees to work for long hours without feeling cramps or pains on their bottoms. Besides that, it is observed that the chair has adjustable heights. This enables the employees to adjust the height of the chair according to their comfort. The back rest of the chair also provides adequate support for the back bone. This feature of chair avoids the employees suffering from back aches or other lower back injuries. On the other hand, much attention was also given to the monitors. The monitors that are used in this company is positioned in such a way that the observer views the screen perpendicularly. When viewing the monitor at this angle, the observer will be able to reduce the stress applied on the neck muscles. Furthermore, only liquid crystal display (LCD) screens are used as a monitor. This monitor is flicker free because LCD does not depend on scanning electron beam to perform. Flickering of the screen can easily cause headaches to the employees which can severely reduce the productivity of the company. Moreover , the LCD screen is built such that it would not reflect light out, thus producing a less glare effect. These characteristics delays the eyes from getting tired. Apart from that, LCD has also been proven to produce lesser radiation. Thus, choosing LCD screen as a monitor was a good step taken by this company to keep their working environment more comfortable. The difference found from what is observed is this company does not provide the employees with ergonomic keyboards or mouse. This causes discomfort for the staffs working here especially for long hours working. Prolonged usage of non ergonomic keyboard can be as bad as the worker gets muscle strain or as worse as the employee suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) or tendonitis. CTS is the inflammation of the nerve that connects the forearm to the wrist whereas tendonitis is the inflammation due to repetitive motion on the tendon. The IT and telecommunication industry spends and invest a lot of money to operate. Therefore like many other companies , Kannal Solutions try to minimize wastage to reduce cost. Other than to minimize wastage, this company also gives a lot attention to save the environment. Therefore, green computing, which is as defined by Sarah Gingichashvili is ‘ the study and practice of efficient and eco-friendly computing resources’. In this company, printers and computers used contains Energy Star symbol. Electrical appliances and product that has Energy Star symbol consumes much lesser energy compared to those that does not have it. This symbol ensures that the computers automatically switches to the ‘sleep’ mode whenever it is idle. Switching to this mode reduces the energy consumption of the computer. Besides that, the employees also switches off their computers whenever it is not in use. If in case they need to use it at intervals, they would at least turn off the monitor so that electricity can be saved. Another reason why LCD screen is used in this company is also because of the fact that LCD screen consumes lesser energy than the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor. Due to this reason the CRT monitor waste a lot of energy mostly due to the large emission of heat energy. In Kannal Solutions , most of the computers uses Intel E2140 Dual Core with a processor speed of 1. 6Ghz. These computers gives a good performance which is needed during the collection of information from customers. The best part about this machine is that its power consumption is really low and efficient. It only consumes 69 watts. Therefore, in long run Kannal Solutions can save great deal of electricity while making sure that their performance is not affected. Although this company pays a great role in keeping the employees safe and comfortable, it is found through observation that the keyboards and mouse used is not ergonomic. In longer run the staffs can face nerve complications. So, it is recommended that the company take an immediate action to convert all the mouse and keyboards to an ergonomic one so that the workers here will not face any kind of problem which can cause to reduction of productivity to the company. Apart from that, although the chair has ergonomic feature such as adjustable height and proper back rest, it does not have a hand rest. So , whenever the staff feels tired they have to rest it on the table. It would be safer and much comfortable as the hand rest ensures that the worker’s hand would be parallel to the floor and the elbow would be perpendicular to the arm. So, it is recommended that the chairs here should be equipped with a hand rest. Thus, it is very clear that this company takes HCI seriously. Although there are some drawbacks, it can be overcame by taking proper steps such as suggested in order to keep the employees contributing to the development of this company.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Birthday Letters Essay

In the three texts the characters that are presented as ‘new women’ are also presented with a downfall, those who are presented as traditional women are seen to survive and do well. Within the three texts, Dracula, A Street Car Named Desire and Birthday Letters, the authors present the female characters within certain ways which allow us as the audience to look closely at the battle of equality between men and women and the rise of feministic views. However the battle isn’t always apparent and some female characters allow themselves to be the inferior characters compared to the male characters who take on dominant roles within their relationships. Within the three texts a downfall of death is presented, this is always presented to those women who are presented as New Woman. Feminism – ‘is a movement for social, cultural, political and economic equality of men and women. It is a campaign against gender inequalities and it strives for equal rights for women. ‘1 Within the three texts we are presented with many female character types, A Street Car Named desire, allows its audience to compare and contrast its female characters. We are presented with Blanche who is on first appearances seen as a New woman ( A women of the late 19th century actively resisting traditional controls and seeking to fill a complete role in the world2) she lives by herself, has no male role controlling her life and makes her own decisions, however it isn’t too much later that we learn a different aspect of Blanche, she becomes a character that needs a man to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth. We are easily able to compare Blanche with her sister Stella, who is a women that presents traditional roles however some times does challenge these, Stella lives with Stanley and allow him to control her life, he tells her what to do and she takes on stereotypically traditional roles within the house. However we do see some New Woman actions within Stella’s character such as when Stanley hurts her she runs away however this is then counter parted with Stella returning to Stanley. In the end it is Blanche that has the biggest downfall within the novel and we are left with the question of is this because she present’s a post- feministic woman? This question can also be placed when looking at Dracula, Lucy is presented to the audience as a very sexually aware female she is also shown to have less traditional views on marriage – ‘why cant they let a girl marry three men or as many as want her and save all this trouble’3, Lucy is also like Blanche presented with the biggest downfall within the novel, she is controlled by Dracula and even killed more than once. Sylvia Plath like Lucy and Blanche also are presented with death within the novel, Sylvia could be seen to have the biggest downfall of all three of the characters, it is not only physical but also a mental problem. Hughes talks of his and Sylvia Plath life journeys through his poetry and we come to understand the life style that they lived, Plath’s death is central to Hughes poetry and we are able to understand the kind of women Sylvia is, she is shown as a weak women who needed her husband by her side, when he fails to do so she becomes weaker and commits suicide. However we can see the power that Plath had on Hughes due to the high impact that Sylvia’s suicide had on his poetry – ‘Years after your death’4. Plath’s downfall doesn’t seem to be due to her position as a women it is presented within the opposite, she is a traditional women and this causes her problems. Dracula sees a downfall for its female characters in the way of death, Lucy is killed by a male character. Arthur Holmwood buries the stake deep in Lucy’s heart in order to kill the demon she has become and to return her to the state of purity and innocence he so values. The language with which Stoker describes this violent act is unmistakably sexual, and the stake is an unambiguous symbol for the penis. In this way, it is fitting that the blow comes from Lucy’s fianci , Arthur Holmwood. Lucy is not only being punished for being a vampire but also being available for seduction by Dracula himself, who we can recall has the power to only attack a willing victim. When Holmwood slays the demonic Lucy, he returns her to the role of a legitimate, monogamous lover, which reinvests his fianci e with her initial Victorian virtue, again degrading Lucy’s female role, needing a male character to take care of her to the end of her life. Lucy Westenra, is first presented to the audience as an out going, sexually aware, less traditional women. In many ways, Lucy is much like Mina Murry. She is a paragon of virtue and innocents, qualities that draw the attention of three men to her. However Lucy does differs from her friend in one key area, which makes her much of a New Women, Lucy is sexualised. Lucy’s physical beauty captures the attention of the three men, which is where she displays a comfort of playfulness about her desirability. This is displayed in an early letter to Mina when Lucy states ‘why can’t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save her all this trouble’. This presents the idea that Lucy has troubles that she cannot and will not meet, going against the New Women model. Stoker presents this simple, small idea of Lucy’s instability to a huge volume when he describes the undead Lucy as a ‘creature’ of a ravenous sexual appetite. Lucy is presented as a dangerous threat to men and their self control, Lucy’s second death returns her to a harmless state presenting her again with purity, assuring the men that things are exactly how they are suppose to be. Lucy presents the idea of the ‘new woman’ to the reader, she is also represented as a creature when she is a vampire. Dracula succeeds in transforming Lucy and becomes a vampire vixen, Van Helsing’s men see no other option than to kill her, in order to return her to a purer, more socially respectable state. After Lucy’s transformation, the men keep a careful eye on Mina, worried they will lose yet another model of Victorian womanhood to the dark side. It is here seen that Lucy is a model female until she is turned into a vampire. Late in the novel, Dracula mocks Van Helsing’s crew, saying, â€Å"Your girls that you all love are mine already; and through them you and others shall yet be mine. † Here, the count voices a male fantasy that has existed since Adam and Eve were turned out of Eden – that women’s ungovernable desires leave men poised for a costly fall from grace. Women through out Dracula are shown as something that men own and something that can be used as a bargaining tool. Blanche like the female characters within Dracula is also presented as a object by Stanley when he attacks her, however when Blanche is with Mitch alone he treats her in a way that she expects as a New Woman ‘Can I-uh-kiss you-good night? ‘5 with dignity and respect, this isn’t however carried through out the whole novel. Blanche doesn’t accept males help through out the play and tries to hide the things that she has done before, this adds to her downfall which allows her to become more and more depressed and pushing towards her downfall. Which we can also assume this happens to Plath, Hughes talks of their past and their lives together, this allows us as the audience to know what events happened to add to Plath’s depression and her death. Looking at other sources we find out that ‘Ted Hughes, had left her for another woman’6which then pushes Plath to her suicide. This goes against the idea that the Downfall of woman is due to woman being post feminist woman. The three texts all see big punishment for its three leading ladies, this influences them in many ways and pushes them all towards their deaths. In the 1880’s and the 1890’s saw the publication of many studies in psychology and sexology. For example, Dr. Krafft-Ebing, a German sexologists †medico-legal study† Phychopahia Sexualis, documented hundreds of cases of divergent, ‘deviant’ sexuality, listing, cataloguing and typing each individual. Under ‘Sadism in Women,’ he describes case 42, a women’s who sexual history prefigures that of Stoker’s Lucy: ‘ A married man presented himself with numerous scars of cuts on his arms. He told their origins as follows: When he wishes to approach his wife, who was young and somewhat ‘nervous,’ he first had to make a cut in his arm. Then she would suck the wound, and during the act become violently excited sexually’. Most critics agree that Dracula is, as much as anything else, a novel that feeds on the Victorian male imagination, particularly concerning the topic of female sexuality. In Victorian England, women’s sexual behaviour was dictated by society’s extremely rigid expectations. A Victorian woman effectively had only two options either she was a virgin or she was a wife and mother. If she was neither of these, she was considered a whore. A women never had the right to choose which kind of life style she wanted to have, she was simply labeled if she didn’t conform, we can see this with Lucy when she must choose who she wants to marry she simple states that in her ideal world ‘Why can’t they let a girl marry three men, or as many as want her, and save all this trouble. ‘7 This is very degrading, Lucy, is stating that she wishes she didn’t have to make a choice and she wishes that her life was all laid out for her, however it could be argued that she wants this because of her personality rather than her fate. By the time Dracula lands in England and begins to work his evil magic on Lucy Westenra, we understand that the impending battle between good and evil will depend upon female sexuality, both Lucy and Mina are less like real people than two-dimensional embodiments of virtues that have, over the ages, been coded as female. Both women are chaste, pure, innocent of the world’s evils, and devoted to their men. But Dracula threatens to turn the two women into their opposites, into women noted for their voluptuousness-a word Stoker turns to again and again-and unapologetically open sexual desire. Blanche within A Street Car Named Desire is also presented as a sexual desire from Mitch and even Stanley. Mitch likes her not only for her looks but who she is ‘I like you to be exactly the way that you are8’ Mitch doesn’t think of Blanche in a sexual way until later on in the play. Blanche’s fear of death presents itself in the fear of her ageing and loosing her beauty. She refuses to tell anyone her own age ‘ why do you want to know’9 Blanche seems to believe that by continually asserting her sexuality towards men especially those who are younger, she will be able to avoid death and return to the world of teenage bliss that she experienced before her husband committed suicide. However, beginning in Scene One, Williams suggests that Blanche’s sexual history is in fact a cause of her downfall. When she first arrives at the Kowalskis’, Blanche says she rode a streetcar named Desire, then transferred to a streetcar named Cemeteries, which brought her to a street named Elysian Fields. This journey, the precursor to the play, allegorically represents the trajectory of Blanche’s life. The Elysian Fields are the land of the dead in Greek mythology. Blanche’s lifelong pursuit of her sexual desires has led to her eviction from Belle Reve, her ostracism from Laurel, and, at the end of the play, her expulsion from society at large. Sex and death are intricately and fatally linked within Blanche’s experiences through out the novel. In Scene One, Stanley throws a package of meat at his adoring Stella for her to catch. The action sends Eunice and the Negro woman into peals of laughter. Presumably, they’ve picked up on the sexual innuendo behind Stanley’s gesture. In hurling the meat at Stella, Stanley states the sexual proprietorship he holds over her. Stella’s delight in catching Stanley’s meat signifies her sexual infatuation with him. This also shows Stella in light of the new woman, however Stanley is the one initiating the sexual activity again pushing Stella back into her traditional role. Stella tries on many occasions pushing herself into the role of the new woman however Stanley always fails to allow her to do so. A Streetcar Named Desire presents a sharp critique of the way the institutions and attitudes of postwar America placed restrictions on women’s lives. Williams uses Blanche’s and Stella’s dependence on men to expose and critique the treatment of women during the transition from the old to the new South. Both Blanche and Stella see male companions as their only means to achieve happiness, and they depend on men for both their sustenance and their self-image. Blanche recognizes that Stella could be happier without her physically abusive husband, Stanley. Yet, the alternative Blanche proposes-contacting Shep Huntleigh for financial support-still involves complete dependence on men. When Stella chooses to remain with Stanley, she chooses to rely on, love, and believe in a man instead of her sister. Williams does not necessarily criticize Stella-he makes it quite clear that Stanley represents a much more secure future than Blanche does. Five: contextual information linking to the authors and the characters. The decade in which Stoker wrote and published Dracula was one of the unprecedented anxiety and uncertainty about the social roles, sexual nature and natural spheres of activity of men and women. As many women fought for a larger role in public life and a bigger challenge towards the traditions that define women as being, passive, domestic and naturally submissive, the debate opened to men and the males natural role. While Victorian feminists advanced on previous male preserves, crossing boarders and redefining categories, the more conservative press reacted by reiterating gender normalities, insisting that the essential differences between the sexes and their separate duties. Stoker deliberately located the gothic horror of Dracula in the late nineteenth century world of technological advances, gender instability and the rapid increase in conversation. Mina Travels with a portable typewriter which presents her with power and knowledge of a skill such as writing, which today we take for granted.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Baby Satisfaction

From the point of conception to the time of birth, the life of the baby and that of its mother is held by the medical and nursing practitioners to be very sacrosanct so that it is expedient that these be closely medically monitored. This is because, failure to implement close follow ups on prenatal, natal and antenatal care has claimed many lives of unborn and new born children, as well as that of the mothers. It is against this backdrop that Baby Satisfaction programs have been introduced with an emphasis being placed on the well being of the baby, right from birth to the stage whereby it develops into a toddler.In most cases, these institutions have retracted their child medical programs to include the conception stage also. Hospitals that are centered towards Baby Satisfaction are primarily geared towards making sure that the health, emotional and physical welfare are all catered for in an adequate manner. This paper tackles the concept and practice of Baby Satisfaction. Introduct ion Baby Satisfaction is a child medical services program that seeks to ensure that the new born has emotional conditions, physical settings and a healthy environment surrounding it.However, modern day trends have made comprehensive measures so as to ensure that even the prenatal care and conditions of the baby are also looked at altogether. Baby Satisfaction type of care ensures that there are no cases of child theft, mishandling or neglect. At the same time, the measure to detect the slightest health related anomaly is also carried out so as to ward off any danger by medical intervention. It shall therefore be seen how Baby Satisfaction improves the quality and longevity of the new born’s life.Conclusion It is therefore important to note that the ameliorations that have come up in the new born child medical healthcare due to the adoption of Baby Satisfaction are too magnanimous to be ignored. It is thus important that the US government ensures that the program realizes enou gh funding for the efficient running of Baby Satisfaction. The gain that the government will have accrued is that it will have extirpated infant mortality rates. Article Summaries Article 1 Christiaens, W. , Gouwy, A., and Bracke, P. (2007). Home and Hospital Satisfaction on Childbirth. A cross-national comparison. Ghent: Ghent University Press. http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/articlerender. fcgi? artid=1939703 The importance of this journal is that it spells out the roles that are to be played by nurses in ensuring the physical and health safety of the new born child. This means that the journal is very resourceful in acquainting the nurse with the roles and duties that she is to play towards the well being of the child.The dispensation of the information that is provided by Christiaens Gouwy and Bracke is therefore also instrumental in abating cases of disputes touching on the dereliction of duties on the side of the nurse. The gravity of such like cases has seen the disappear ance or the death of a new born in hospitals and other health care institutions. Article 2 Johnson, K. (2005). Baby Satisfaction: Professional Roles of Midwives. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada. http://www. bmj. com/cgi/content/full/330/7505/1416? etocThe uniqueness of this journal is based on the fact that it does delve into the â€Å"how†, as far as the provision of the New Baby Satisfaction is concerned. The illustrious and simplified means by which the service are to be followed come in handy, as even the apprentice in nursing and midwifery can even follow them step by step to the latter. The book is also important to the healthcare institutions that provide Baby Satisfaction since it delves on the need and the means of creating felicity conditions for the Baby Satisfaction services to be said to exist and fully operational.Article 3 Kristen, C. (2007). A new Generation of Nurses: An Emergency Nursing Journal. Branford: Branford Press. Vol 30. Issue no. 3. 206-211. http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/pii/S0099176704001746 Kristen in this journal provides very instrumental information of matters that touch on Baby Satisfaction and Safety. Very pivotal matters such as hygiene, the protocol that is to be observed, the rights of the mother and the child versus that of the nurse and other medical practitioners, are discussed to a reasonable length.All these information is important since Kristen wrote this journal with an overall intention of warding off cases of infant mortality, still births, loss of new born children in hospitals, overstepping of another officer’s mandate, and pertinent legal issues that may spring out of all these topics that have been discussed. This is why the journal is important to this study. References Christiaens, W. , Gouwy, A. , and Bracke, P. (2007). Home and Hospital Satisfaction on Childbirth.A cross-national comparison. Ghent: Ghent University Press. http://www. pubmedcentral. nih. gov/articlerender. fcgi? artid=1939703 Johnson, K. (2005). Baby Satisfaction: Professional Roles of Midwives. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada. http://www. bmj. com/cgi/content/full/330/7505/1416? etoc Kristen, C. (2007). A new Generation of Nurses: An Emergency Nursing Journal. Branford: Branford Press. Vol 30. Issue no. 3. 206-211. http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/pii/S0099176704001746

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing design Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Marketing design - Case Study Example Michael E. Porter suggests that businesses must search for a sustainable competitive advantage, which comes from developing a distinctive way of competing (Goett, 1999). As part of the marketing strategy for the oxygen bar, methods for setting it apart as a distinctive brand will be addressed. Population growth and changing demographics are examples of social trends that can have an effect on sales (Nickels et al, 2005). As part of a well-organised PESTLE analysis, the identification of external factors directly affecting the success of the oxygen bar has revealed several relevant issues that could positively impact its survival within the market. It might be argued that oxygen bars are a socio-cultural trend towards better health, as oxygen has been said to boost energy, heighten concentration, reduce stress and detoxify the blood (Davis, 2003). The actual effects of frequenting the oxygen bar are socially independent, meaning that those individuals who have used the bars have found different personal satisfactions regarding oxygen usefulness for health and well-being. However, understanding that oxygen bar popularity has been on the increase globally, similar external social factors towards better, healthy living might well impact a strong customer loyalty to the servic e. In the mid-term, it is possible that new developments in health-related, professional research might indicate a different social trend towards health initiatives, negating positive consumer perceptions of oxygen effectiveness. It might be argued that consumer preferences fluctuate periodically, however, an individual need only witness extensive literature available on UK health studies to visualise a growing trend in better health awareness. Therefore, in the mid-term, no dramatic fluctuations Oxygen Bar 4 in socio-cultural values regarding customer discontinuation of the oxygen bar concept are anticipated. Economic factors, in the short term, do not necessarily affect the ongoing success of the Andrews Adult School Oxygen Bar as the pricing structure for the service will be kept at competitive levels. Pricing will be discussed later in the analysis, but it has been determined that the bar will be maintained at an affordable level, allowing for a broader market to be targeted for bar advertisements. From a community perspective, the oxygen bar will open new job opportunities (especially for the campus student population) and might be accepted for its positive economic impact on the community. In the mid-term, assuming the oxygen bar maintains a level of business and profit success in the community, advancing economic impacts could include more job opportunities to staff the business due

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Compare and contrast - Essay Example Matt Dusk is a 24 year old who has made a smashing start in the music industry because of his unique voice and a strange passion for classics. He adds his own inimitable style in his songs which engrosses and attracts the listeners. His passion for music and the way in which he combines different eras of Jazz to form an exclusive and distinctive epoch can be seen in his striking and spectacular debut album â€Å"two shots†. Kevin Mahogany, on the other started his career by creating two bands â€Å"Mahogany† and â€Å"Appolos†. These groups allowed Kevin to build up a huge fan following for himself in Kansas City. While working with these groups Kevin also kept on building his own style by studying the art forms of different artists. He released his debut album â€Å"Double Rainbow" which was a super hit and it was like a dream come true for an artist and it was a great success. Matt dusk is a crooner jazz singer and a stage performer who can make you dance and who gives a new touch to classics and Kevin Mahogany on the other hand is a singer who can bring out every single degree of sentiments from you. He puts his heart and soul in his songs and he certainly makes them sensational and sentimental. I would here analyze the song â€Å"good news† by Matt dusk which has an approximate length of three minutes and the style used in this song is crooner Jazz. Matt has added his own style in this song and has made it amazing. Unlike other crooner jazz vocalists matt always experiments something new with his songs which captivates the minds of the listeners and take them to a journey of a unique and trendy music style. â€Å"Good news† is a song which can make one feel cherished and contented. Matt is a performer with an outstanding voice and ability to refresh people and make them pleased. On the other hand if you take a look at the song â€Å"don’t let me lonely tonight† by Kevin Mahogany which appears on his album â€Å"my romance†- it is

Discussion board reply Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Discussion board reply - Assignment Example Hence, if the applicant is eligible and fulfills all the vital criteria of recruitment of the job, he or she should get the job, irrespective of class, race, culture or nationality. Another important issue raised is the role of advertising in recruitment. Indeed, advertisement promotes inclusion as people coming from diverse background become aware of the job opportunities and they have the option to apply for the advertised jobs. Moreover, internet has become a powerful medium of communication that greatly facilitates direct interaction between people or between the organization and the people. Thus online applications for recruitment not only saves time and money but it also helps recruitment managers to vet the applications and gives opportunities to job seekers to apply for the job online. The recruitment officers can then whet the applicants as per the job specifications and call only those who fulfill the basic job criteria. Thus, open advertisement for job should be favored against target recruitment and provide people from different background with equal opportunities to apply for the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Use of drugs in Sports Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Use of drugs in Sports - Dissertation Example A quick review of print and electronic literatures reveals that doping has been an integral and controversial issue for the sports fraternity since historical times. In most literatures on doping in sports, the types of drugs used and their effects on individual sportsmen, sportswomen, their families, their nations, their fans and the sporting fraternity have been given quite a wide coverage. This kind of coverage emphasizes the importance of the fight against doping in sports. Besides, seeking to ensure a level and fair playing field for sportsmen and women, the fight against doping has been portrayed in literatures as seeking to eliminate and reduce the negative effects of doping on health, well being and the image of sports (Berryman, 1992). Literatures have also covered the interventions designed and impended to curtail doping problems in sports. For example, as a consequent of drug use by athletes and the subsequent health effects and deaths, sports governing bodies such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) set up medical and testing commissions to test athletes for signs of illicit substances and ban the use of these drugs and other performance enhancing substances. Although these testing started in a small scale in the 1968 Mexico Olympics, it would be introduced in a full-scale at the Olympic Games in Munich four years later (Wayne, 2000). Following the banning of substances such as anabolic steroids, many sportsmen were disqualified in the years that followed 1975 and 1983.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Law for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Law for Business - Essay Example Either the acceptance of an offer may be a statement of agreement, or, if the offer invites acceptance in this way, a performance of an act requested in the terms of the offer. It is important to note that acceptance is the final and unqualified acceptance and it must be according to the types and the requirements of the offer hence acceptance must exactly match the offer. Other forms of acceptance of an offer may be spoken, written, by action and an acceptance is never acceptance when there is silence and assumption. For example, if one tells a neighbor kid that if the kid mows the offeror’s lawn, the offeror will pay $50.00, and the kid does actually mow the lawn. The act of mowing constitutes the manifestation of the kid’s assent hence constituting an acceptance given the offer presented and the terms upon which it is presented. For a contract based on offer and acceptance to be binding and enforceable by law, the terms must be capable of determination in the same co urts of law in a way that it is clear that the parties assent was given to the same terms of agreement. The terms must be in the position of being able to manifest themselves or be determined determined objectively. They may be written, or sometimes oral, although some kinds of contracts require writing as evidence of the agreement to be enforced in the courts of law. What is an offer? In an offer the offerer decides to make an offer and goes further vto communicate the offer. The offeree is then left with the responsibility of either accepting or rejecting the offer of which they have to communicate the acceptance in the case they decide to accept the offer with the terms around it Fisher v Bell [1961] 1 QB 394. The offerer then decides to receive the acceptance and the contract remains binding. An offer therefore can be defined as definite promise to be bound upon some specific terms, making it be a proposition by one party to another party on fixed terms that are fixed or in a po sition of being fixed. This is with the intention that it will be binding when accepted by the offeree in either of the forms prescribed for acceptance. In fact, a definite offer does not need to be made to a specific person, this is because it can be made to a particular class of persons or the world in general and it would remain binding if all the requirements were adhered. An  offer  is actually an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as the person to whom it is addressed, the â€Å"offeree† [G.H. Tretel, The Law of Contract, 10th edn, p.8], accepts it. The â€Å"expression† referred to in the definition of an offer may take different forms, such as a letter, newspaper, fax, email and even conduct, as long as it communicates the basis on which the offeror is prepared to contract. The â€Å"intention† referred to in the definition is objectively judged and only determinable by courts. The English case of Smith v. Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597 emphasizes that the important thing is not the party’s real intentions but; how a reasonable person would view the situation making. This makes an offer not to be so specific to an individual. This is mainly due to common sense as each party would not wish to breach his side of the contract, if it would make him or her culpable to damages, it would especially be contrary to the principle of certainty and clarity in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Competitor Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Competitor Analysis - Research Paper Example The company has further sought to streamline the electronic payment process as a way of boosting consumer confidence on the purchasing processes offered by the company. eBay has further introduced an application that allows consumers to order goods from vendors online and have these goods delivered to them in about 1 hour. This application promises to increase online sales as it intends to make shopping an entertaining affair. Indeed, the main idea behind the introduction of this application was to make shopping a form of entertainment thereby attracting more potential customers (Jeff, 2013). One of the key features of eBay’s future is the digital wallet. Digital wallet refers to a form of payment where a consumer gets to pay through their phone. Amazon, on the other hand, relies mostly on ‘showrooming’ as a way of interacting with its consumers. Showrooming allows consumers to check products in a store with a view to purchasing them online from a different vendor. This approach to online shopping has made Amazon the default online shopping destination for most consumers. One of the benefits that come with this approach is that it allows consumers to make a guided decision before they can purchase goods. Amazon, just like eBay, can be blamed for trying to drive retailers out of business. The two companies use drones to deliver purchases and in the process eliminates retailers from the chain of distribution. Over the last few years, physical retailers have lived under threat from these two companies. Unlike eBay, Amazon provides a bar-code scanner in most of its mobile applications that enable consumers to compare prices while doing shopping online (Bob, 2013). Upon choosing the goods they would like to buy, consumers have the privilege of having these goods shipped to them. The shipping process used by Amazon is similar to the one

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dr. Salamone Essay Example for Free

Dr. Salamone Essay â€Å"These values then get re-incorporated back into the language. † Philosopher Ian Heath states this significance, â€Å"Meaning can transform the individual, while values can transform relationships (Heath). What this means for organizational leadership is that it is crucial to develop meaningful relationships to create values that can guide their members in a mutually beneficial environment. The last sentence written in the above paragraph is absolutely true. This is because it is very essential for the employees working in an organization to develop relationships with the other members working in the organization either their subordinates or their boss. Without this, it would be very difficult for an organization to operate efficiently and effectively. It is vital that the relationships that develop in an organization must also be meaningful because if the relationships are developed just like that they would be absolutely useless. People should know the meaning and the importance of developing relationships and then how important each relationship is to them. The importances each person allocates to different relationships that are developed in an organization are different just like we have different importance for people in our family. Therefore, it is essential to develop healthy relationships in an organization. This means that although there is a lot of competition in the organization amongst the employees but it should not be such that the employees plan out bad things against each other to gain popularity or importance in the eyes of the boss. This is not only bad for the reputation of the employee but it also bad for the organization. In order to build healthy relationships, the organization must take certain steps. Some of the examples are mentioned below that are meant to provide an insight into how organizational design impacts its workforce and image and this would be explained by differentiating between the functional and team structure. If I were to choose between working for an organization that has a functional structure and another that has a team structure, I would you choose to work for an organization that has a functional structure. Functional structure basically groups the employees together on the basis of the functions of specific jobs that are present within the organization while in the team structure the functions and the responsibilities of the employees are organized into specialized teams. (Bechthold Schodek, 2007). I would choose the functional structure because of its various advantages. Functional structure reduces the duplication of personnel and equipment and I would be more comfortable with this structure as it gives more opportunity to talk in the same language with my peers. Moreover, it acknowledges specialization thus making training easier. There is centralized decision making in this structure and it also provides a unified direction from the top management thus achieving excellence in communication and coordination within the departments. Functional structure also increases the quality of technical problem solving and this can be proved by the fact that it gives the workers fast access to the people who are well-versed in technical expertise. (Kaizenlog, n. d. ). Organizational design is basically the process for integrating the people, information and technology in an organization and is used to match the form of the organization with its objectives and I think that the organizational design will be an important factor for me in making a choice about the type of company for which I would like to work because it would tell me what kind of culture is being followed in an organization and so I would be able to decide for myself if I would be comfortable working there or not and his information about a company can be found on the websites or one can ask the employees currently working in that organization who would give a better idea. Adidas, IKEA and Barwill are some renowned organizations that follow the functional structure while the example of an organization that follows team structure is RadioShack Corporation. (Internet Retailer, 2006). Reference Bechthold,M. Schodek,D. L. (2007). Structures. 6th Edn. Prentice Hall, Hardcover. Internet Retailer. (2006). RadioShack Corporation Announces New Management Team Structure that Simplifies Reporting, Narrows Accountability, Improves Decision Making. January 22nd, 2009. Retrieved from: http://www. internetretailer. com/internet/marketing- conference/35591-radioshack-corporation-announces-new-management-team-structure-that-simplifies-reporting. html Kaizenlog. (n. d. ). Advantages of the Functional Structure. January 22nd, 2009. Retrieved from: http://www. kaizenlog. com/2006/11/02/advantages-of-the-functional-structure/

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Measles, Mumps And Rubella

Measles, Mumps And Rubella Measles, mumps and rubella are three of the most highly and commonly acquired infectious diseases in children; however, they can affect people of all ages. These viruses occur throughout the world and are highly communicable airborne pathogens which can spread by close contact with an infected person. Although still a problem in many developing countries, thanks to immunization programs around the world these viruses are much less common now. Efficient and early vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella are highly successful at preventing the diseases and most children who receive their shots are being not only protected during childhood, but generally have a life long immunity. The measles virus (MV), a member of the Morbillivirus genus in the Paramyxovirus family, is a 100-300 nm enveloped virus that contains a single-strand, negative-sense RNA genome in a helical nucleocapsid which encodes for six structural proteins and two others which are involved in viral entry. The F (fusion) and the H (hemagglutinin) proteins are important in pathogenesis since together they facilitate receptor biding, fusion of the viral membrane, and cellular entry of into the epithelial cells in the upper respiratory tract of the host [*,*]. Measles is highly infectious and once infected an individual can experience clinical features such as fever, maculopapular rash, cough, coryza (runny nose), conjunctivitis, and the pathognomonic Koplik spots ( punctuate blue-white spots which appear in the buccal and lower labial mucosa) which generally occur 1-2 days before the rash[ ]. In some cases complications such as diarrhea, otitis media, pneumonia, encephalitis, blindness, and second ary infections by common bacteria and viruses may arise. In some extreme cases subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), a rare degenerative disease of the brain which generally emerges six to eight years after a primary measles virus infection, may also onset. Measles is typically an infection of childhood and protective immunity is life-long, such that a second case of measles in a child or adult would be highly unusual. Before the widespread vaccination efforts against measles in the 1960s the virus had a case-fatality ratio of about 5% in children, which was higher for children and infants in developing countries, where even today a fatality rate of up to 20% can occur. A highly effective live- attenuated vaccine for measles has contributed to the low incidence levels compare to the pre-vaccine era and even some regions of the world have documented its complete eradication. Measles is commonly diagnosed based on its distinctive symptoms, hence why laboratory diagnosis is rarely use. However, given the success of the vaccination campaigns, physicians in low measles prevalence areas may become less familiar with the disease and accurate diagnoses may become challenging in the future. Mumps Virus, like measles, also belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae, but its genus is Rubulavirus. Akin to measles, mumps is a 150-200 nm enveloped spherical virus with surface spikes projecting from the envelope. Inside the envelope, a large helically arranged nucleocapsid encloses negatively stranded RNA whose genome contains about 16,000 nucleotides. Clinical Symptoms of mumps include mild fever, anorexia, malaise, headaches and acute onset of unilateral or bilateral parotitis. Parotitis tends to take place within the first couple of days of the infection and may first be expressed through earache and tenderness of the swollen parotid or salivary gland. Mumps is highly contagious, and 90% of those that are susceptible and are exposed to the infection will themselves become infected. However, 30-40% of those with the infection are actually asymptomatic (Rubin and Farber, 1994). Complications can include meningoencephalitis, orchitis in males or oophoritis in females, as well as p ancreatitis. The live-attenuated mumps vaccine is often given along with measles and rubella in the MMR vaccine. The diagnosis of mumps is usually done based on the expression of the clinical features, in particular the presence of parotitis. There are unique challenges for the laboratory diagnosis of mumps in previously immunized individuals whose immunity may have diminished either in the absence of a second booster dose of vaccine or in areas where mumps disease, and thus exposure, is minimal. However, It has been concluded that the most rapid and sensitive diagnosis of mumps can be acquire by ELISA (Enzyme- linked Immunisorbent Assay) method. Rubella virus, commonly known as German measles, belongs to the family Togavirida, genus Rubivirus. Rubella virions, although enveloped like measles and mumps, are much smaller, approximately 60-70 nm in diameter and contain approximately 10,000 nucleotides in a single-stranded, non-segmented, positive-sense RNA genome inside a semi-spherical nucleocapsid. Rubella is usually a mild disease and is characterized by a low fever and a generalized maculopapular rash. Other symptoms may include lympadenopathy, conjunctivitis, and sore throat. Symptoms of acquired rubella are often mild and in up to 50% of cases asymptomatic. Complications are not common in rubella patients, but generally occur more often in adults than in children. Arthralgia and arthritis are common complications among 70% of infected adult women. Other complications such as encephalitis and hemorrhagic manifestations can also be experience, but these are generally rare. Although a relatively mild disease rubella can be q uiet serious if acquire by pregnant women. Pathogenesis Measles, mumps, and rubella are highly contagious viral illnesses that can be transmitted by aerosol generated when an infected person expels saliva through coughing or sneezing, or by direct contact with respiratory secretions. Following infection of a vulnerable host, all three pathogens begin replication in the respiratory tract where they initially target the respiratory ephatelium of the nasopharynx and continue onto the regional lymph nodes. This localized replication phase is followed by a viremia in which the viruses spread onto multiple other organs. In the case of measles, a primary viremia where the virus moves onto other lymphoid tissue takes place 2-3 days after infection. Around days 5-7, the virus spreads to multiple other organs such as the kidney, liver, and skin through a secondary viremia. In mumps, after 12 to 25 days of exposure a viremia arises which lasts from 3 to 5 days. This viremia allows the virus to spread to multiple tissues which include the meninges, a nd glands such as the salivary, pancreas, testes, and ovaries. Inflammation of the infected tissues causes the hallmark symptoms of the disease, parotitis and aseptic meningitis. Akin to the mumps and measles, rubella after 5-7 days of replication in the nasopharynx area follows a viremia which spreads to the lymphatic system and establishes a systematic infection. Clinical signs and symptoms for measles, mumps, and rubella occur after an incubation period of about 10-12, 14-18, and 12-23 days respectively. For measles, a prodromal period of 2-4 days marks the beginning of the clinical stage of the infection. Here, thin epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and the conjunctive began to be broken down by the virus leading to an inflammatory reaction, also a characteristic symptom of the disease. Thicker mucosal surfaces of the buccal cavity are then affected given rise to the Kopliks spots. The appearance of the spots marks the start to a delayed-type hypersensitive reaction (DTH) which gives rise to the rash. The primary antiviral immune responses to MV coincides with the appearance of the rash, and is here when the presence of IgM antibodies and of CD4+Â  and CD8+Â  T cells in areas of MV-infected epithelial cells takes place. Following this, neutralizing IgG antibodies are also introduced and in conjunction all four immune responses are completely effective in controlling viral replication and concluding the infectious process. Viral antigen is absent from skin lesions and the virus is not shed from this surface, however shedding of the virus occurs from the nasopharynx from the beginning of the prodrome until 3-4 days after the rash emerges. As mentioned, measles is a typical self-limiting infection, and can be resolved by an efficient immune response; however patients with T-cells deficiencies, unable to develop a rash, commonly experience complications such as SSPE. Several months following an acute MV infection, a prolonged state of immunosuppression, which frequently predisposes patients to many secondary bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, ensues. Mumps virus (MuV), similar to measles, causes non-specific prodromal symptoms such as mild fever and malaise during its incubation period. Upon viral entry, replication primarily takes place in the nasal mucosa and the epithelial layer of the upper respiratory track, which progressively moves on to penetrating the draining lymph nodes. From here, the viremia spreads the virus onto the parotid glands, kidney, pancreas, and central nervous system (CNS). Infection in the salivary glands produces parotitis-inflammation of the parotid glands-the most common clinical manifestation of mumps. Inflammation and swelling of the glands, visible during the first two days of infection in 30-40% of patients, is due to tissue damage and a subsequent immune response prompted by viral replication. Additionally, propagation into the kidneys can extend the infection and cause viruria. Potentially infectious virus is excreted in the urine for a period of two weeks following onset of the disease. Nonethel ess 1/3 of infections are subclinical, this being more common among adults than children. About eleven days after exposure, humoral immune response is established and the presence of neutralizing antibodies such as IgG (immunoglobulin G), IgM and IgA emerges. These antibodies help terminate the viremia and in the case of IgA it stops secretion of infectious mumps virus in the saliva. Virus shedding into the saliva begins a couple of days before the onset of clinical parotitis and ends about 8 days later. Parotid swelling culminated after 4-7 days. Although the most common expression of mumps leads to parotitis, it is important to note that the clinical course of mumps is extremely variable. Diseases such as meningitis and orchitis, commonly regarded as complications, could instead be seen as systemic manifestations of mumps. Meningitis is a common course of mumps and is characterized by inflammatory cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of the patient. This development is common in 15% of the patients and normally resolves within 3-10 days without secondary consequence. Orchitis-testicular inflammation-is the most common complication among post-pubertal male patients occurring in as many as 50% of cases. Ochitis usually follows parotitis, with an abrupt onset of testicular swelling, tenderness, nausea, and fever; pain and swelling generally only last 1 week, although tenderness may last longer. The rubella virus (RV), like mumps and measles, replicates around the epithelium of the buccal mucosa and the nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue. Contrary to Mv and MuV, after its incubation period and the subsequent viremia, rubella symptoms abruptly appear in children with the emergence of a rash. Prodromal symptoms are only mildly observed in adults 1-5 days before the appearance of the rash. This rash may last up to three days, starting as distinct pink maculopapules on the face, moving onto the truck and following to the extremities. Patients are most infectious immediately prior to the rash and throughout its duration. Viremia ends with the onset of rubella-specific and IgM antibodies shortly after the rash phase, which is about 2-3 week after initial exposure. Chronic enlargement of lymph nodes-Lymphadenopathy-may also take place up to a week before the emergence of the rash and last up to 10-14 days after it. Cervical and occipital lymph are frequently affected. Rubella is usuall y mild in childhood and early adulthood, with up to 50% of cases being asymptomatic, however rubella presents a bigger threat when acquired during pregnancy, especially if infection is in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Congenital acquire rubella virus infections in pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy can result in severe congenital abnormalities in the children (Congenital rubella syndrome, CRS) including deafness, cataracts, glaucoma, cardiovascular abnormalities, and mental retardation. Other outcomes of congenital rubella can lead to premature delivery and even fetal death. In 85% of cases of pregnant women who were infected during their first trimester, the babies were prematurely harmed. It is suggested that the rubella virus enter the fetus through the mothers blood stream. Since the developing fetus is especially vulnerable to illness because its immune system is not yet strong enough to permanently fight off infection, the virus remains in the body, and can leads to CRS. Concisely, while all three infections have a similar infection patterns, only measles and rubella virus are viral infections which affect the respiratory tract, whereas mumps is a viral infection of the salivary glands that causes swelling. Also all three diseases are relatively mild and in many cases asymptomatic. Nonetheless rubella, although a milder infection of the respiratory tract than measles when developed by a pregnant woman, it may lead to birth defects in the infant which the other two dont generally cause. Therapeutic strategies Currently there is no cure or treatment for measles, mumps, and rubella, efforts are generally focused on relieving symptoms until the bodys immune system manages to fight off the infection. However preventive measures such as attenuated live vaccines have been developed for all three pathogens and are currently being administered to children and adults around the world in a trivalent form known as the Measles-mumps-rubella vaccine or MMR. Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is used to protect children, as well as adults from acquiring the disease. The administration of the vaccine provides with lifelong immunity to all three diseases and has a 95% efficacy. It is highly recommended that children should get 2 doses of MMR vaccine, the first being administered between 12-15 months of age and the second at ages 4-6, commonly right before the child begins kindergarten or first grade. The vaccine is also recommended for adults who have not been previously immunized against any of the thr ee viruses or are at a higher risk of exposure such as health care providers, international traveler, and university students. It is important to note that there are also contraindications to the vaccine and some people should no use it. Those who have preciously experience severe allergic reactions to one or more of the vaccine components or to a prior dose of MMR should not be vaccinated. Pregnant women should not be administered MMR or any of its components. Additionally, women attempting to become pregnant should avoid pregnancy for at least 30 days after vaccination with measles or mumps vaccines and for 3 months after administration of MMR or other rubella-containing vaccine because the risk to the fetus from the administration of these live virus vaccines cannot be excluded. Following the publication of a paper by British researcher Andrew Wakerfield in the medical journal The Lancet in 1998, huge controversy surrounded the idea of whether or not the MMR vaccine might cause autism. In his paper Wakerfield reported that MMR vaccine caused intestinal inflammation that led to translocation of nonpermeable peptides to the bloodstream and, subsequently, to the brain, where they affected development. In his report, the cases of eight children who developed autism and intestinal problems after receiving the MMR vaccine were discussed. However, to determined if these suspicions were correct, researchers preformed a series of studies in which they compared hundreds of children who had received the MMR vaccine with hundreds who had never received the vaccine. They found that the risk of autism was the same in both groups, thus agreeing that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism. Some parents wary of the safety of the MMR vaccine stopped getting their children immu nized although no data supporting an association between MMR vaccine and autism existed and a plausible biological mechanism is lacking which has cause immunization rates to dropped, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States, given way to the outbreaks of measles and mumps led to hospitalizations and deaths that could have been prevented. Rubin and Farber, 1994. Pathology. J. B. Lippincott Company. 227 East Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The most important talent of a manager

The most important talent of a manager In 2008, a survey by Robery Half International found that 53 % of managers questioned considered leadership and motivational skills the most important talent a manager should have [1]. This figure truly shows the importance of leadership in the approach to management. According to Mary Parker Follett, management is the art of getting things done through people. In this report, I will first analyse this statement before demonstrating to what extend I agree with it. In fact, managing is truly living the experience of the human being through interpersonal relationships that include understanding the employees and developing their competences. In a second part, I will describe the skills needed for managers regarding to Folletts definition, emphasizing on the importance of leadership. Finally, I will list some of the limitations that can represent barriers to management. They include the informal organization, the change of the economy and the development of high technologies. Management is the art of getting things done through people. Once, Warren Bennis(1995) [2] wrote: Just about everything written today about leadership and organization comes from Mary Parker Folletts writings and lectures. According to her, management is the art of getting things doing through people. This definition has become one of the most continuously popular, being considered like the most significant way to describe the term, which finds itself a number of distinctive meanings. First, it is interesting to know why management can be defined as an art. From the encyclopedia of Management, it is the knowledge that there is no specific way to teach or understand management, and that it is skill borne of personality and ability [3]. It is saying that certain people might be more predisposed to be effective managers than are others, and that some people cannot be taught to be effective managers. Then, if I now focus on the second part of the statement, the function of the manager itself is the best manner to illustrate what getting things done through people means. Management is primarily about overseeing people: the manager sets goals for others to achieve, directing work rather than performing it. This is highlighted by the studies of what managers do. Rosemary Stewarts studies (1976) [4] have shown that most managers spend three-quarters or more of their time talking with and listening to other people. One reason for the large majority of their time in conversations is highlighted by Kotters studies (1982) which show that managers are dependent upon a network of useful contacts that include hundreds or thousands of people within and outside the company [5]. As a result of this, it is important to deeply consider the dependence of managers towards their subordinates and all the other people that work around them. Management is linked to human factor and cannot achieve any of its aims without human beings knowledge and skills which can be considered as the material of work. Moreover, Lawrence Appley (1956) [6] starts his book titled by Folletts definition: Working with, for, and through people is the way in which a manager accomplishes his job which emphasizes the main role of the manager. Providing human satisfactions from work output and relationships is a managers obligation. From his point of view, there is a vital spot in management which is the point of contact between the worker and the boss when the conditions of confidence and respect exist between the two. Overall, it is possible to make a distinction in the managers functions between deciding what to do and getting it done. Then the first task implies decision making and setting goals, and the second consists of motivation, communication, and the development of people. I truly believe that this second task is all about the art of getting things done through people because we all know that giving orders to subordinates who content themselves with applying them without the slightest protest is not real management. The manager has to handle the difficulty of working with human beings personalities, reactions and own choices, which is an art, a talent. My own personal experience of management during the French Open made me realized how hard it was to achieve the daily financial objectives, result of the efforts I had to make in motivating my sales teams to show their enthusiasm and to do some animations for the customers. The hardest times where rainy and cold daysà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In fact, since the essential part of the managers job is getting things done through people, it is vital for him to understand peoples motivation. The problems of securing willing cooperation sets a challenge to management: a challenge to provide the conditions in which people will want to work and therefore, to cooperate. This reaches to an understanding with the fact that management attains its objectives by increasing knowledge, changing the habits, and influencing the attitudes of people towards a common goal, the goal of the organization. Effective management requires a different set of skills from leadership As we now know that managers are dependent upon achieving results through other people, it is possible to analyze what management skills they must develop in order to be effective. A skill is defined as being the ability either to perform some specific behavioral task or the ability to perform some specific cognitive process that is functionally related to some particular task [7]. First, if I refer to Katzs studies (1955) [8], we understand that managerial skills are developed by managers by providing them with a set of managerial knowledge bases and methods for accessing this information. Then, based on these assumptions, Katz proposed a three-category typology of skills: technical, human, and conceptual [9]. The technical skills are concerned with the understanding of specific activities that require the use of specialized tools, methods, processes, procedures, techniques, or knowledge. Human skills are defined as the ability to work cooperatively with others, to communicate effectively and to resolve conflicts. And finally, for Katz, the cognitive skills represent the ability to see the organization as a whole and to have a vision, a systemic viewpoint. So, like any other profession, that management requires the exercise of specific and various skills. But there are other studies showing that unlike any other profession, management expects its members to be proficient in the use of its skills without training or practice. In reality, the basic skill of management is personal power and the impact of individual leadership upon the thoughts and actions of other individuals [10]. This skill expresses itself through the ability to write and speak to individuals and groups, to conduct and lead meetingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Considering these two points of view, I think it is fair to say that either managers have inborn management skills or develop them through their experience and practice, they must have competences peculiar to be able to face difficult situations and achieve his goals. Leader or manager skills are not exclusive in nature [7]. Indeed, if a leader only displays leadership skills he might not be efficient in the usual tasks asked by employers to their managers: simply completing paperwork and reading reports for example. Reciprocally, a manager can have difficulties with his staff because he lacks in developing a relationship, something that require leadership skills. A manager that combines both skills is the most effective. Overall, the main important attributes needed to get things done through people are: first, communication and second, motivation and development of people. Communication is the means whereby management gets its job done. It is so true that without it, an executive is as ineffectual as a violinist without his instrument. It is a skill of management, it is, however essential to every other management skill. The process of communication involves making his ideas and feelings known by another. This requires the ability to get other people to understand us, but also to help others make themselves understood by us. The process of communication requires time and experience of many different situations with various human characters. Then, communication is successful when it is understood in the fullest meaning, both in verbal sense and in intention. Then, if managing is getting things done through people, a manager who thinks about what can be done only in terms of what he can do cannot be effective. Managers must learn to accept their dependence upon other people and manage it thanks to their ability to cooperate with their peers. They have to obtain commitment which means providing the conditions in which people will want to work. In doing this, they need to be skilful in influencing people to do what they want. Stewart (1991) [11] indicates that managers must make assumptions about how people will behave, and hence, how to influence them. Here is where motivation becomes a significant tool. In fact, it is one aspect of maximizing work performance and represents a prime task for managers. Motivation of people implies many ways of action, including the development of people which is achieved by careful, planned and motivational delegation of responsibility and duty. It implies trust and a close relationship between the manager and his staff as Drucker (2005) says Organizations are no longer built on force. They are built on trust [13]. Rather than relying on powers, the manager uses the powers within people. What are the limitations of getting things done through people? As the managers success hinges on influencing people toward the goal of the organization, this is where we can find his main limitations. The most important one seems to be the informal organization, based on who knows what, who gets things done, who has influence and power, who must agree before an idea can be effectively implemented [15]. The problem here is that the informal organization cant be managed at all because  it is a self-organizing process. Even when managers are carrying out their formal roles, they are unavoidably participating in this process. They are not objective observers and controllers of other peoples actions. The leadership challenge, therefore, is not to try to manage the informal. Instead, it is to engage purposefully in the dynamic network of conversations and interactions through which outcomes emerge. The globalization of the economy has some strong influences on the organizations. The two main consequences of this are limitations for the managers. First, there are the linguistic and cultural problems, concerned by the employees being more and more transnational which implies difficulties on communication. Also the cooperation involves making more efforts of comprehension and mutual respect, which seems difficult to do spontaneously. And second, the worldwide explosion of the working teams, which is why some managers become  «Ã‚  telemanagers  Ã‚ ». In fact, technological solutions (emails, phone, videoconferenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) allow monitoring the work through the distance, it sees the relationship transformed. In a more sociological point of view, it is possible to see that nowadays, the authority is living a crisis. Executives are not considered as chiefs anymore but as coordinators as well as members of the teams are not called subordinates anymore but colleagues. These working teams are not shaking or impressed anymore facing the upper hierarchy: the chief is desecrated. The legitimacy of the manager is damaged by the individualism and the autonomy of the staff which tends to make the managerial relationships more complex as the use of authority is less possible. Then management practice conditions are modified by the evolutions of the environment and managers cannot content themselves to manage via objectives. Thats why we can see the rising important of the value and the competence based management. CONCLUSION The art of getting things done through people is linked to the need to influence people toward the goal of the organisation and this requires definitely leadership skills. However a manager-leader cannot be perfect as there are limitations in getting things done through people: the informal organization and the economical and social evolutions.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Roman Empire Essay -- essays research papers

In the Early 19th Century Romanticism, man becoming one with him self and nature, was a reaction against the Enlightenment of the 18th century. With such people as William Wordsworth, William Blake and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe fueled romanticism with their writings and poems. William Wordsworth, for example, wrote many poems about nature and his beliefs on how life and nature are closely related to one another.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Wordsworth’s Tables Turned stated, in other words, that the human can archive goodness by becoming one with nature. The poem heavily stated that the human should throw down the books, stop â€Å"wasting† your life on learning and becoming knowledgeable and book smart when all you have to do is go outside and enjoy nature. This would help you achieve all that is needed in life. Wordsworth thought that nature had a huge impact on the human’s imagination. He felt that nature was humanity’s teacher. That it brought out the human imagination because that all the living organisms inner meaning made man think and put meaning into forming there own ideas instead of accepting those of others. The way Wordsworth’s philosophy, as well as others of this time period, differs from that of the Enlightenment is that the philosophers of that time felt you should return to the classics. Meaning read the works of the Greeks and Romans become wel l rounded.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Blake, another poet whose beliefs of romanticism were expressed ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Biography of Dwight David Eisenhower Essay -- American Presidents Eise

Biography of Dwight David Eisenhower On October 14, 1890, Mrs. Ida Elizabeth Eisenhower gave birth to her third son, Dwight David. He was a younger brother to Arthur B. and Edgar A. Eisenhower. Dwight was born in Denison, Texas, where his family was living at the time. After his father’s general store went out of business in Abilene, Kansas, they were forced to move to Texas, where Mr. David Eisenhower landed a forty-dollar a month job at a small railroad there. Back in Abilene, a new creamery plant was built and an old friend of Mr. Eisenhower asked him to move back and work for him. It did not pay much more than his job in Texas, but the chance of advancement was better. In the spring of 1891, the Eisenhower family boarded a train and left for Kansas. They lived in a small house in Kansas on South East Second Street where Mrs. Eisenhower gave birth to three more sons. The first one born there was Roy J. who was strong and healthy like his older brothers. He was born on August 9, 1892. The next son, born on May 12, 1894, died after a few months. The last son was born on February 1, 1898 and was named Earl D. Needing a bigger house because of all the children, the Eisenhowers moved. Mr. Eisenhower’s brother, Abraham, sold them a house on 201 South East Fourth Street. Growing up, Dwight’s older brothers gave him the nickname, Ike. Ike and his brothers did a lot of work around the house. They would alternate between waking up at four o’clock A.M. to shovel coal into the furnace, milking the cow, washing dishes, other housework, feeding the horse, tending the garden, and gathering eggs. They also had to cook meals. The only extra money the boys had was supplied by themselves. Their father gave them each a small portion of the garden to raise crops, and sell to the people of Abilene. Although it was not much money, the boys were happy with what they had. Ike’s mother supplied the energy needed to run the house. While the children were at school and her husband at work, she managed the garden and livestock, thus feeding the family. She did most of the disciplining, except for the most severe misconduct, which was handled by her husband. Most importantly, she held the house together. She was a deeply religious woman. She believed firmly in her Christian beliefs and opposed all violence and war. Ike’s father was a quiet man who was well respected. ... ...used of corruption for accepting gifts from a businessman who had problems with the Internal Revenue Service, along with many other problems. Other problems Ike had during his second term included a civil rights crisis in 1957, problems with Fidel Castro, clashes with Communist China in 1955 and again in 1958, and with the Soviets over Berlin in 1959. Overall, as a political leader, Ike rejected extremes. He sought the middle ground on every political problem, and believed that the extremes to the right and to the left in any political dispute are always wrong. The Constitution prevented Ike from running again in 1960, thus he retired to a small farm he owned outside Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. There he raised cattle on his farm and spent the winter months in Palm Desert, California playing golf. Although he was retired, he still played a part in politics. In 1964, he endorsed Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater, who lost, and in 1968 supported his former Vice Preside nt, Richard Nixon, who won. Soon after, Ike’s health began to fail. In 1965, he suffered three more heart attacks, and spent his last few months in Walter Reed Army Hospital. Ike died on March 28, 1961.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Flame Test Lab Essay

Introduction/Purpose: When a certain amount of energy is supplied within an atom, the electrons of that atom begin to move up the levels of electron configuration. This level of energy is called a quantum. The object of this experiment was to examine the movement of electrons up and down energy levels through the use of given elemental substances. With heat supplying a large amount of energy, the properties of the elements caused them to give off a certain color or tone of the light spectrum. Materials: Several materials were needed for the conduction of this experiment. Bunsen burners were used to generate heat. The process also required elements in liquid state, LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, SrCl2, CuCl2, BaCl2, nichrome wire(or remove a pre-soaked wood splint), small test tubes for the metal ion solutions, safety goggles, and tabs to absorb the liquids. Containers were labeled to identify each element. Observations were recorded on a data table. Safety: You must wear your goggles at all times. Nothing on the lab tables except a pencil and your lab paper. No food or drink allowed whatsoever. Do not physically touch the chemicals. No actin a fool. Procedure: 1. Fill the test tubes with 5-10 drops of each metal ion solution. 2. Dip a wire loop into a metal ion solution (or remove a pre-soaked wood splint). 3. Hold the wire loop in the Bunsen burner flame and observe the color of the flame. Record your observations in the data table. If using wood splints avoid catching them on fire. 4. Be sure the loop is clean for the next sample (no more flame color). 5. Option: Watch the flame through a diffraction grading slide to see the bright line emission spectrum. Conclusion: In conclusion, we discovered that every metal ion solution has a distinct emission spectrum. Low energy red was proven to be on the low energy side. While violet indicates high energy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

BLK Enjoy the Dark Side of Water Essay

BLK is the first ever fulvic- enhanced all natural mineral water. This is a recent item that has recently entered the market. This product derives from a proprietary blend of fulvic acid which is a yellow brown substance. It is a derivative of plant matter that is mined from an 80 million year old source deep within the earth. Naturally black in color, the formula binds to the molecules of pure Canadian spring water giving BLK its signature black color, with no artificial dyes, coloring, or additives. Fulvic acid is critical in the growth of plant life, helping the transportation and absorption of nutrients. Fulvic acid’s small molecular structure allows for the fast absorption of over 77 different trace minerals and elements, powerful electrolytes, and antioxidants that are overall good for the body. BLK is distributed by BLK Enterprises LLC in New York, NY. It is a private company categorized under Water Distilled Manufacturers. It was established in 2011 and incorporated in New York. Product Decision As a group we wanted to choose a product that was different and nutrious and yet at the same time was astetically appealing to the eye of the consumer. We found BLK water to be a product that met these needs. One of our group members knew of this product and introduced it to our group and we all agreed that it would be a great product to learn about as 3 out of 4 of us had never heard of or come across this product. After our group sampled this product and learned more about it we were all curious as to why this product was not more widely known or advertised to become more popular. Research Objectives Our group will be using the five following criteria’s to evaluate the product as it will help us to explore the BLK Water in order to determine if the product is a success or failure in the competitive market. To have a successful product in the market, we question BLK’s attributes based on the following: A) Customer Interpretation: evaluative reactions ( perception) B) Product packaging/ Product appearance: package design, size, price, color, bottle volume C) Advertisements: T.V, events, word of mouth, celebrity endorsements, D) Distribution: grocery stores and specialty stores E) Market Segmentation: who are the main customers that are trying to be reached? Research Hypothesis BLK Water is a successful company. This water is a new emerging phenomenon that is sweeping its way across shelves nationwide. However, due to a major lack in marketing, we believe that this product is a failure on the overall business model and will not catch on like the other major bottled water companies such as Vitamin Water, Smart Water, Evian, or Fiji. We believe that BLK can do much better if they promote their product through different channels. Methodology A) In order to accomplish the previous section mentioned, we will need to research the product and locate it, determining the places that the product is most sold at: * Location of the product- we found this product to be available at all grocery stores, but not available at convenience stores, coffee shops, or fitness centers. * Placement of the product- BLK water is displayed in grocery stores along with all other popular waters and is lacking any display that really makes it stand out to the consumer. * Price- The price of BLK water is slightly higher than regular bottled water such as deer park, being about one dollar more; But is in the average price range of specialty waters such as Figi and Vitamin Water. Therefore we agree that the price is acceptable for the product. B) Take notes on our first reaction with the product in the grocery store environment. We all the same similar shocking reaction when we first found BLK Water in the grocery store which we will be explaining in our presentation. C) Do some research, then based on these, form hypotheses of the product to discuss why the product may or may not be doing well in the bottled water market. D) Develop surveys and distribute to the public using the following information: * Male/ female * Occupation * Age * Income * Would they consider buying the product? * Would they try the product? * Would they buy the product? * This will allow us to have an overall idea of what the consumers think of the product, thus providing us with a better understanding of the customers’ viewpoint. E) Collect data and compile all survey results- completed 11/13/2012 F) Review data and interpret the product G) Conclusion about the product Questionnaire Design We distributed this to our whole Marketing Research 342 class. This is our cover from our questionnaire. We asked 14 different questions in hopes to understand the potential customer basis. In our questionnaire, we questioned the product. We mainly focused on the water’s appearance. We used interval scales on our survey asking the question on a 1-5 non-forced scale. The participants could rate how they felt about the question 1 being definitely not and 5 being most definitely and 3 being neutral. For our demographics we asked questions regarding gender which was a simple, male/female choice, income, age, and education in a range format, which we asked at the end of our survey as these are sensitive questions and participants are not always willing to share these answers with strangers. Our screening question was our first question of the survey which would tell us the Here is a copy of our actual survey we used. BLK WATER Consumer Water Preference Survey BLK is the first ever fulvic- enhanced all natural mineral water. This is a recent item that has recently entered the market. This product derives from a proprietary blend of fulvic acid which is a yellow brown substance. It is a derivative of plant matter that is mined from an 80 million year old source deep within the earth. Naturally black in color, the formula binds to the molecules of pure Canadian spring water giving BLK its signature black color, with no artificial dyes, coloring, or additives. Fulvic acid is critical in the growth of plant life, helping the transportation and absorption of nutrients. Fulvic acid’s small molecular structure allows for the fast absorption of over 77 different trace minerals and elements, powerful electrolytes, and antioxidants that are overall good for the body. BLK is distributed by BLK Enterprises LLC in New York, NY. It is a private company categorized under Water Distilled Manufacturers. It was established in 2011 and incorporated in New York.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Heroes Robert Cormier Atmosphere and Mood Essay

Francis has entered LaSalle’s tenement with the intentions of killing LaSalle. Francis is very quick to declare the reason for his presence at Larry’s tenement. Ever since Francis came back from the war, killing Larry is all Francis has wanted to accomplish. ‘Say your prayers†¦ I rehearsed those words so many times through the years.’ Straight away we see this sense of determination within Francis. Francis has been ‘rehearsing’ this moment ever since Larry raped Nicole. He’s been waiting for LaSalle’s return to Frenchtown for ‘years’ so that he can seek revenge. Here Cormier creates a sense of violence and tension. ‘I’ve decided to aim for the heart’ Francis’ thoughts towards Larry are quite violent and he wishes to ‘shatter his heart the way he broke Nicole’s’. Francis wants nothing but revenge and intends to attain it. Cormier’s use of Similes is very clever . Francis wants to do physically what Larry did to them mentally. Despite Larry’s horrific character, he knows Francis very well. Larry knows that no matter how angry Francis is, he will never be able to physically murder someone. Larry ‘withdraws a pistol’ knowing that Francis won’t be able to fulfil his ‘mission’. The pistol was a ‘relic from the war’; it seems as if everything bad that happened in Francis’ life lies right there in that tenement. ‘Leave me here, leaver everything here†¦ leave it all behind with me’ We can see how quickly the mood changes, from Francis’ violent words to Larry’s words of comfort. Francis ‘suddenly wants go get out of there’ he wants no part in Larry anymore and the ‘aroma of the soup is sickening and the tenement is too warm.’ Cormier creates a rather nauseating atmosphere; Larry’s tenement is a place no one would want to be in. ‘The sound of a pistol cracks the air.’ The theme of innocence runs throughout the whole book, just like the world innocence was shattered by the war and Nicoles innocence was shattered by Larry, Frenchtown is now also shat tered by a ‘pistol shot’ cracking the air.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sexual Harassment at Workplace

Sexual Harassment At Workplace We are still carrying that legacy where women are treated as secondary to men. True, the times have changed with Industrial Revolution and then the technological advances; women have been recognized as equal to men all over. But the legacy which was carried from so many ages goes on and it takes time to change the mind sets of all Indians. The political system has to change and the entire systems ale customs like Sati etc. hich are still rampant in some parts of India and yes the dowry system which is present everywhere have to go if women have to enjoy equal respect along with men. As long as these evil practices continue and till commercialization of women through each and every useless advertisement is practiced harassment of women not only in work place but in home, in street, in college everywhere will continue and male chauvinism tries to dominate the female submissiveness everywhere.According to the Protection of Human Right Act, 1993 â€Å"huma n rights† means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by courts in India. It is necessary and expedient for employers in work places as well as other responsible persons or institutions to observe certain guidelines to ensure the prevention of sexual harassment of women as to live with dignity is a human right guaranteed by our constitution. IndiaIn India Sexual harassment has been termed as â€Å"Eve teasing† and is described as: unwelcome sexual gesture or behavior whether directly or indirectly as sexually colored remarks; physical contact and advances; showing pornography; a demand or request for sexual favors; any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature. The critical factor is the unwelcomed behavior, thereby making the impact of such actions on the recipient more relevant rather than intent of the perpe trator. As per the Indian Constitution, sexual harassment infringes the fundamental ight of a woman to gender equality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and live with dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution. Although there is no specific law against sexual harassment at workplace in India but many provisions in other legislations protect against sexual harassment at workplace, such as Section 354, IPC deals with â€Å"assault or criminal force to a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty, and Section 509, IPC deals with â€Å"word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman. What amounts to sexual harassment?In 1997 in Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan and others, for the first time sexual harassment had been explicitly- legally defined as an unwelcome sexual gesture or behaviour whether directly or indirectly as 1. Sexually coloured remarks 2. Physical contact and advances 3. Showing pornography 4. A demand or request for sex ual favours 5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature. It was in this landmark case that the sexual harassment was identified as a separate illegal behaviour. The critical factor in sexual harassment is the unwelcomeness of the behaviour.Thereby making the impact of such actions on the recipient more relevant rather than intent of the perpetrator- which is to be considered. In any kind of organization i. e. government, private or public enterprises such kind of conduct creates an apprehension in the minds of the employees that if they don’t perform the work given to them they will be one the victims of sexual harassment and thereby it creates fear in their minds. On the other hands it is also the employer who might threat the employee regarding there transfer, promotion etc. nd it has been seen in the corporates that the employer do ask for some kind of favour in order to give the job, transfer or promotion or for that matter in order t o increase their salary. All this amounts to Sexual Harassment because it is done against the will of the person and the employees who are in need of the above things do agree to the terms of the employer. In other words it can be said that, it is discriminatory when the woman has reasonable grounds to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment or work including recruiting or promotion or when it creates a hostile work environment.Adverse consequences might be visited if the victim does not consent to the conduct in question or raises any objection thereto. Laws under which a case can be filed In India there is no specific law relating to Sexual Harassment at workplace but there are certain sections in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Constitution and certain other laws and Acts that protect the women’s from sexual harassment at workplace and they are as follows: Section 354, IPC deals with assault or criminal force to a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty and lays down that:Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any woman, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine or both. In cases where the accused sexually harasses or insults the modesty of a woman by way of either- obscene acts or songs or- by means of words, gesture, or acts intended to insult the modesty of a woman, he shall be punished under Sections. 94 and 509 respectively. Under Sec. 294 the obscene act or song must cause annoyance. Though annoyance is an important ingredient of this offence, it being associated with the mental condition, has often to be inferred from proved facts. However, another important ingredient of this offence is that the obscene acts or songs must be committed or sung in or near any public place. Section 509, IPC deals with word, gesture or act intended to i nsult the modesty of a woman and lays down that:Whoever intending to insult the modesty of any woman utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or both. (Cognizable and bailable offences). Civil suit can be filed for damages under tort laws. That is, the basis for filing the case would be mental anguish, physical harassment, loss of income and employment caused by the sexual harassment.Under the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (1987) if an individual harasses another with books, photographs, paintings, films, pamphlets, packages, etc. containing â€Å"indecent representation of women†; they are liable for a minimum sentence of 2 years. Section 7 (Offenses by Companies) holds companies where there has been â€Å"indecent representation of women† (such as the display of pornography) on the premises guilty of offenses under this act, with a minimum sentence of 2 years.Early history of the use of the term â€Å"Sexual harassment† The term sexual harassment was used in 1973 in a report to the then President and Chancellor of MIT about various forms of gender issues. In the book In Our Time: Memoir of a Revolution (1999), journalist Susan Brown miller quotes the Cornell activists who in 1975 thought they had coined the term sexual harassment: â€Å"Eight of them were sitting in an office †¦ brainstorming about what they were going to write on posters for their speak-out. They were referring to it as ‘sexual intimidation,' ‘sexual coercion,' ‘sexual exploitation on the job. None of those names seemed quite right. They wanted something that embraced a whole range of subtle and un-subtle persistent behaviors. Somebody came up with â⠂¬Ëœharassment. ‘ ‘Sexual harassment! ‘ Instantly they agreed. That's what it was. † These activists, Lin Farley, Susan Meyer, and Karen Sauvigne went on to form Working Women's Institute which, along with the Alliance against Sexual Coercion, founded in 1976 by Freada Klein, Lynn Wehrli, and Elizabeth Cohn-Stuntz, were among the pioneer organizations to bring sexual harassment to public attention in the late 1970s.Harassment Situations Sexual harassments can occur in a variety of circumstances. Often, but not always, the harasser is in a position of power or authority over the victim (due to differences in age, or social, political, educational or employment relationships). The harasser and the victim can be anyone and of any gender, such as a client, a co-worker, a teacher or professor, a student, a friend, or a stranger. The victim does not have to be the person directly harassed but can be anyone who finds the behavior offensive and is affected by it. Adv erse effects on the target are common.The harasser does not have to be of the opposite sex. The harasser may be completely unaware that his or her behavior is offensive or constitutes sexual harassment or may be completely unaware that his or her actions could be unlawful. Misunderstanding can result from a situation where one thinks he/she is making themselves clear, but is not understood the way they intended. The misunderstanding can either be reasonable or unreasonable. An example of unreasonable is when a man holds a certain stereotypical view of a woman such that he did not understand the woman’s explicit message to stop.Types of harassment There is often more than one type of harassing behavior present, so a single harasser may fit more than one category. The different types of harassment could be; Stalking. Pest, Bully, Power-Player, Mother/Father figure (a. k. a the counselor helper), Groper, One-Of-The-Gang, Serial Harasser, Opportunist, Confidante, Situational Hara sser etc. Steps to be taken by the employers In Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan and others, the Supreme Court in absence of ny enacted law (which still remains absent- save the Supreme Court guidelines as stated hereunder) to provide for effective enforcement of basic human rights of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment, laid down the following guidelines: All Employers or persons in charge of work place whether in public or private sector should take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment. Without prejudice to the generality of this obligation they should take the following steps: (a) Express prohibition of sexual harassment as defined, above at the work place should be notified, published and circulated in appropriate ways. b) The Rules/Regulations of Government and Public Sector bodies relating to conduct and discipline should include rules / regulations prohibiting sexual harassment and provide for appropriate penalties in such rules against the offende r. (c) As regards private employers steps should be taken to include the aforesaid prohibitions in the standing orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1940. d) Appropriate work conditions should be provided in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene to further ensure that there is no hostile environment towards women at work places and no employee woman should have reasonable grounds to believe that she is disadvantaged in connection with her employment. Awareness Rights of female employees in this regard should be created in particular by prominently notifying the guidelines (and appropriate legislation when enacted on the subject) in a suitable manner.This is one of the most important factors that should be taken up seriously both by the employer and the government. The female employees should be made aware of the rights that are available to them relating to Sexual Harassment. In the metropolitan cities the female employees working in good companies an d working at high level are very well about their rights but those females who are working at the low level and in small towns hardly know about their rights which they can exercise for any kind of sexual harassment thereby getting relief from the court as well as their dignity lost due to this harassment.Effects of sexual harassment on organizations Sexual Harassment has an adverse effect on the organization as the working enthusiasm of the sexually harassed female employee goes down, she is not able to work in the same way as she was before being harassed and thus she is not able to give her 100% to the organization thereby leading to decreased job satisfaction.This is only one the factor there might be loss of staff and expertise from resignations to avoid harassment or resignations/firings of alleged harassers; loss of students who leave school to avoid harassment. And the most important there might be decrease in the productivity level and increase in team conflicts. Decrease i n success at meeting financial goals (because of team conflict) and this may lead to loss for the organization as they fail to achieve the goal of the organization.Some other problems that the organization has to face due to the harassment; Increased health care costs and sick pay costs because of the health consequences of harassment, the knowledge that harassment is permitted can undermine ethical standards and discipline in the organization in general, as staff and/or students lose respect for, and trust in, their seniors who indulge in, or turn a blind eye to, sexual harassment, if the problem is ignored, a company's or school's image can suffer, legal costs if the problem is ignored and complainants take the issue to court.Some famous case laws relating to Sexual Harassment One of the most famous case laws in the history of India relating to sexual harassment is Vishaka v State of Rajasthan and others, wherein for the first time the definition of sexual harassment was defined, certain guidelines pertaining to the employers were laid down, as to how their contribution in the organization could avoid sexual harassment of the female employees in the organization. In this particular case a writ petition was filed by ‘Vishaka’- a nonGovernmental organization working for gender equality by way of PIL seeking enforcement of fundamental rights of working women under Article. 21 of the Constitution. case: A K. Chopra’s case, is the first case in which the Supreme Court applied the law laid down in Vishaka’s case and upheld the dismissal of a superior officer of the Delhi based Apparel Export Promotion Council who was found guilty of sexual harassment of a subordinate female employee at the place of work on the ground that it violated her fundamental right guaranteed by Article. 21 of the Constitution.In both cases the Supreme Court observed, that † In cases involving Human Rights, the Courts must be alive to the International Conve ntions and Instruments as far as possible to give effect to the principles contained therein- such as the Convention on the Eradication of All forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1979 [CE DAW] and the Beijing Declaration directing all state parties to take appropriate measures to prevent such discrimination. † The guidelines and judgments have identified sexual harassment as a question of power exerted by the perpetrator on the victim.Therefore sexual harassment in addition to being a violation of the right to safe working conditions is also a violation of the right to bodily integrity of the woman. In Rupan Deol Bajaj Vs. K PS. Gill, a senior IAS officer, Rupan Bajaj was slapped on the posterior by the then Chief of Police, Punjab- Mr. K P S. Gill at a dinner party in July 1988. Rupan Bajaj filed a suit against him, despite the public opinion that she was blowing it out of proportion, along with the attempts by all the senior officials of the state to suppress the matter.T he Supreme Court in January, 1998 fined Mr. K P S. Gill Rs. 2. 5 lacs in lieu of three months Rigorous Imprisonment under Sections. 294 and 509 of the Indian Penal Code. In N Radhabai Vs. D. Ramchandran, Radhabai, Secretary to D Ramchandran, the then social minister for state protested against his abuse of girls in the welfare institutions, he attempted to molest her, which was followed by her dismissal. The Supreme Court in 1995 passed the judgment in her favour, with back pay and perks from the date of dismissal.These are some of the famous case laws in the history of India which have completely justified sexual harassment at a workplace and held the accused liable, be it a Chief Police Officer or a Social minister. Conclusion Sexual Harassment at workplace, it’s not only the duty of the employer to make sure that the female employees are provided with the proper working conditions, rules and regulations etc. it’s also the duty of the female employees to make sure th at where ever they are working is that a safe place, there is no kind of fear as to promotion, transfer, salary etc. if she refuses to take the offer given to her.It’s also their duty to make sure that they inform the management of the head of the organization if any kind of unwelcomed behavior is being noticed by them so that the organization can take the right step at the right time. The females working in corporate sectors the big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru are very well aware about their rights or as or as to what steps should be taken if sexual harassment is done to them but then there are hardly any female employees working in small industries, villages where the rate of sexual harassment is high know about all the laws, rights and reliefs that are available for them.In the past three years there have been thirty police official who have been arrested for sexual harassment. Now if the helpers of the law are going to do this then what can we expect form the ordinary citizens. The Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill 2010 focuses on women’s right to protection against sexual harassment at the workplace. The Passing of this bill will empower the women to action against the wrongdoer in a more powerful and stronger manner. Sexual Harassment at Workplace Sexual Harassment At Workplace We are still carrying that legacy where women are treated as secondary to men. True, the times have changed with Industrial Revolution and then the technological advances; women have been recognized as equal to men all over. But the legacy which was carried from so many ages goes on and it takes time to change the mind sets of all Indians. The political system has to change and the entire systems ale customs like Sati etc. hich are still rampant in some parts of India and yes the dowry system which is present everywhere have to go if women have to enjoy equal respect along with men. As long as these evil practices continue and till commercialization of women through each and every useless advertisement is practiced harassment of women not only in work place but in home, in street, in college everywhere will continue and male chauvinism tries to dominate the female submissiveness everywhere.According to the Protection of Human Right Act, 1993 â€Å"huma n rights† means the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International Covenants and enforceable by courts in India. It is necessary and expedient for employers in work places as well as other responsible persons or institutions to observe certain guidelines to ensure the prevention of sexual harassment of women as to live with dignity is a human right guaranteed by our constitution. IndiaIn India Sexual harassment has been termed as â€Å"Eve teasing† and is described as: unwelcome sexual gesture or behavior whether directly or indirectly as sexually colored remarks; physical contact and advances; showing pornography; a demand or request for sexual favors; any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature. The critical factor is the unwelcomed behavior, thereby making the impact of such actions on the recipient more relevant rather than intent of the perpe trator. As per the Indian Constitution, sexual harassment infringes the fundamental ight of a woman to gender equality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and live with dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution. Although there is no specific law against sexual harassment at workplace in India but many provisions in other legislations protect against sexual harassment at workplace, such as Section 354, IPC deals with â€Å"assault or criminal force to a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty, and Section 509, IPC deals with â€Å"word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman. What amounts to sexual harassment?In 1997 in Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan and others, for the first time sexual harassment had been explicitly- legally defined as an unwelcome sexual gesture or behaviour whether directly or indirectly as 1. Sexually coloured remarks 2. Physical contact and advances 3. Showing pornography 4. A demand or request for sex ual favours 5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature. It was in this landmark case that the sexual harassment was identified as a separate illegal behaviour. The critical factor in sexual harassment is the unwelcomeness of the behaviour.Thereby making the impact of such actions on the recipient more relevant rather than intent of the perpetrator- which is to be considered. In any kind of organization i. e. government, private or public enterprises such kind of conduct creates an apprehension in the minds of the employees that if they don’t perform the work given to them they will be one the victims of sexual harassment and thereby it creates fear in their minds. On the other hands it is also the employer who might threat the employee regarding there transfer, promotion etc. nd it has been seen in the corporates that the employer do ask for some kind of favour in order to give the job, transfer or promotion or for that matter in order t o increase their salary. All this amounts to Sexual Harassment because it is done against the will of the person and the employees who are in need of the above things do agree to the terms of the employer. In other words it can be said that, it is discriminatory when the woman has reasonable grounds to believe that her objection would disadvantage her in connection with her employment or work including recruiting or promotion or when it creates a hostile work environment.Adverse consequences might be visited if the victim does not consent to the conduct in question or raises any objection thereto. Laws under which a case can be filed In India there is no specific law relating to Sexual Harassment at workplace but there are certain sections in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Constitution and certain other laws and Acts that protect the women’s from sexual harassment at workplace and they are as follows: Section 354, IPC deals with assault or criminal force to a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty and lays down that:Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any woman, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage her modesty, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine or both. In cases where the accused sexually harasses or insults the modesty of a woman by way of either- obscene acts or songs or- by means of words, gesture, or acts intended to insult the modesty of a woman, he shall be punished under Sections. 94 and 509 respectively. Under Sec. 294 the obscene act or song must cause annoyance. Though annoyance is an important ingredient of this offence, it being associated with the mental condition, has often to be inferred from proved facts. However, another important ingredient of this offence is that the obscene acts or songs must be committed or sung in or near any public place. Section 509, IPC deals with word, gesture or act intended to i nsult the modesty of a woman and lays down that:Whoever intending to insult the modesty of any woman utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or both. (Cognizable and bailable offences). Civil suit can be filed for damages under tort laws. That is, the basis for filing the case would be mental anguish, physical harassment, loss of income and employment caused by the sexual harassment.Under the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (1987) if an individual harasses another with books, photographs, paintings, films, pamphlets, packages, etc. containing â€Å"indecent representation of women†; they are liable for a minimum sentence of 2 years. Section 7 (Offenses by Companies) holds companies where there has been â€Å"indecent representation of women† (such as the display of pornography) on the premises guilty of offenses under this act, with a minimum sentence of 2 years.Early history of the use of the term â€Å"Sexual harassment† The term sexual harassment was used in 1973 in a report to the then President and Chancellor of MIT about various forms of gender issues. In the book In Our Time: Memoir of a Revolution (1999), journalist Susan Brown miller quotes the Cornell activists who in 1975 thought they had coined the term sexual harassment: â€Å"Eight of them were sitting in an office †¦ brainstorming about what they were going to write on posters for their speak-out. They were referring to it as ‘sexual intimidation,' ‘sexual coercion,' ‘sexual exploitation on the job. None of those names seemed quite right. They wanted something that embraced a whole range of subtle and un-subtle persistent behaviors. Somebody came up with â⠂¬Ëœharassment. ‘ ‘Sexual harassment! ‘ Instantly they agreed. That's what it was. † These activists, Lin Farley, Susan Meyer, and Karen Sauvigne went on to form Working Women's Institute which, along with the Alliance against Sexual Coercion, founded in 1976 by Freada Klein, Lynn Wehrli, and Elizabeth Cohn-Stuntz, were among the pioneer organizations to bring sexual harassment to public attention in the late 1970s.Harassment Situations Sexual harassments can occur in a variety of circumstances. Often, but not always, the harasser is in a position of power or authority over the victim (due to differences in age, or social, political, educational or employment relationships). The harasser and the victim can be anyone and of any gender, such as a client, a co-worker, a teacher or professor, a student, a friend, or a stranger. The victim does not have to be the person directly harassed but can be anyone who finds the behavior offensive and is affected by it. Adv erse effects on the target are common.The harasser does not have to be of the opposite sex. The harasser may be completely unaware that his or her behavior is offensive or constitutes sexual harassment or may be completely unaware that his or her actions could be unlawful. Misunderstanding can result from a situation where one thinks he/she is making themselves clear, but is not understood the way they intended. The misunderstanding can either be reasonable or unreasonable. An example of unreasonable is when a man holds a certain stereotypical view of a woman such that he did not understand the woman’s explicit message to stop.Types of harassment There is often more than one type of harassing behavior present, so a single harasser may fit more than one category. The different types of harassment could be; Stalking. Pest, Bully, Power-Player, Mother/Father figure (a. k. a the counselor helper), Groper, One-Of-The-Gang, Serial Harasser, Opportunist, Confidante, Situational Hara sser etc. Steps to be taken by the employers In Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan and others, the Supreme Court in absence of ny enacted law (which still remains absent- save the Supreme Court guidelines as stated hereunder) to provide for effective enforcement of basic human rights of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment, laid down the following guidelines: All Employers or persons in charge of work place whether in public or private sector should take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment. Without prejudice to the generality of this obligation they should take the following steps: (a) Express prohibition of sexual harassment as defined, above at the work place should be notified, published and circulated in appropriate ways. b) The Rules/Regulations of Government and Public Sector bodies relating to conduct and discipline should include rules / regulations prohibiting sexual harassment and provide for appropriate penalties in such rules against the offende r. (c) As regards private employers steps should be taken to include the aforesaid prohibitions in the standing orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1940. d) Appropriate work conditions should be provided in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene to further ensure that there is no hostile environment towards women at work places and no employee woman should have reasonable grounds to believe that she is disadvantaged in connection with her employment. Awareness Rights of female employees in this regard should be created in particular by prominently notifying the guidelines (and appropriate legislation when enacted on the subject) in a suitable manner.This is one of the most important factors that should be taken up seriously both by the employer and the government. The female employees should be made aware of the rights that are available to them relating to Sexual Harassment. In the metropolitan cities the female employees working in good companies an d working at high level are very well about their rights but those females who are working at the low level and in small towns hardly know about their rights which they can exercise for any kind of sexual harassment thereby getting relief from the court as well as their dignity lost due to this harassment.Effects of sexual harassment on organizations Sexual Harassment has an adverse effect on the organization as the working enthusiasm of the sexually harassed female employee goes down, she is not able to work in the same way as she was before being harassed and thus she is not able to give her 100% to the organization thereby leading to decreased job satisfaction.This is only one the factor there might be loss of staff and expertise from resignations to avoid harassment or resignations/firings of alleged harassers; loss of students who leave school to avoid harassment. And the most important there might be decrease in the productivity level and increase in team conflicts. Decrease i n success at meeting financial goals (because of team conflict) and this may lead to loss for the organization as they fail to achieve the goal of the organization.Some other problems that the organization has to face due to the harassment; Increased health care costs and sick pay costs because of the health consequences of harassment, the knowledge that harassment is permitted can undermine ethical standards and discipline in the organization in general, as staff and/or students lose respect for, and trust in, their seniors who indulge in, or turn a blind eye to, sexual harassment, if the problem is ignored, a company's or school's image can suffer, legal costs if the problem is ignored and complainants take the issue to court.Some famous case laws relating to Sexual Harassment One of the most famous case laws in the history of India relating to sexual harassment is Vishaka v State of Rajasthan and others, wherein for the first time the definition of sexual harassment was defined, certain guidelines pertaining to the employers were laid down, as to how their contribution in the organization could avoid sexual harassment of the female employees in the organization. In this particular case a writ petition was filed by ‘Vishaka’- a nonGovernmental organization working for gender equality by way of PIL seeking enforcement of fundamental rights of working women under Article. 21 of the Constitution. case: A K. Chopra’s case, is the first case in which the Supreme Court applied the law laid down in Vishaka’s case and upheld the dismissal of a superior officer of the Delhi based Apparel Export Promotion Council who was found guilty of sexual harassment of a subordinate female employee at the place of work on the ground that it violated her fundamental right guaranteed by Article. 21 of the Constitution.In both cases the Supreme Court observed, that † In cases involving Human Rights, the Courts must be alive to the International Conve ntions and Instruments as far as possible to give effect to the principles contained therein- such as the Convention on the Eradication of All forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1979 [CE DAW] and the Beijing Declaration directing all state parties to take appropriate measures to prevent such discrimination. † The guidelines and judgments have identified sexual harassment as a question of power exerted by the perpetrator on the victim.Therefore sexual harassment in addition to being a violation of the right to safe working conditions is also a violation of the right to bodily integrity of the woman. In Rupan Deol Bajaj Vs. K PS. Gill, a senior IAS officer, Rupan Bajaj was slapped on the posterior by the then Chief of Police, Punjab- Mr. K P S. Gill at a dinner party in July 1988. Rupan Bajaj filed a suit against him, despite the public opinion that she was blowing it out of proportion, along with the attempts by all the senior officials of the state to suppress the matter.T he Supreme Court in January, 1998 fined Mr. K P S. Gill Rs. 2. 5 lacs in lieu of three months Rigorous Imprisonment under Sections. 294 and 509 of the Indian Penal Code. In N Radhabai Vs. D. Ramchandran, Radhabai, Secretary to D Ramchandran, the then social minister for state protested against his abuse of girls in the welfare institutions, he attempted to molest her, which was followed by her dismissal. The Supreme Court in 1995 passed the judgment in her favour, with back pay and perks from the date of dismissal.These are some of the famous case laws in the history of India which have completely justified sexual harassment at a workplace and held the accused liable, be it a Chief Police Officer or a Social minister. Conclusion Sexual Harassment at workplace, it’s not only the duty of the employer to make sure that the female employees are provided with the proper working conditions, rules and regulations etc. it’s also the duty of the female employees to make sure th at where ever they are working is that a safe place, there is no kind of fear as to promotion, transfer, salary etc. if she refuses to take the offer given to her.It’s also their duty to make sure that they inform the management of the head of the organization if any kind of unwelcomed behavior is being noticed by them so that the organization can take the right step at the right time. The females working in corporate sectors the big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru are very well aware about their rights or as or as to what steps should be taken if sexual harassment is done to them but then there are hardly any female employees working in small industries, villages where the rate of sexual harassment is high know about all the laws, rights and reliefs that are available for them.In the past three years there have been thirty police official who have been arrested for sexual harassment. Now if the helpers of the law are going to do this then what can we expect form the ordinary citizens. The Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill 2010 focuses on women’s right to protection against sexual harassment at the workplace. The Passing of this bill will empower the women to action against the wrongdoer in a more powerful and stronger manner.